California, USA
What is your
occupation and what do you do?
I work as an actor, independent filmmaker &
What were your
favorite subjects and activities in school?
My favorite subjects in school were: History, Science,
Physical Education (PE) and band.
What subjects
helped you prepare for your career?
Audio Visual (AV) and Science helped me to understand how
mechanical things worked.
Where did you
learn photography and what do you like best about it?
I learned photography in college and out in the real
world shooting wherever I traveled to. What I love
most about photography is that I can capture the beauty
of our world and share it with others and I can freeze a
moment in time and preserve the beauty of people being
human beings.
What places have
you been to and which were the most interesting?
I have been very lucky to travel all over the world and
learn about many cultures. I have lived in Italy,
Spain, France and Africa. Asia was very beautiful,
Africa is old and mysterious, and Spain and the island of
Malta have some of the richest history that any place
could have. The great thing about travel is that
you get to learn about other ways of life and appreciate
how lucky we in the US are to have what we have!
Are your
photographs in galleries or for sale anywhere?
My photographs are shown in coffee shops around Los
Angeles and can be purchased on the Internet. Click
see some of my photos! If you are interested in
seeing more of my photos, or if someone you know is
interested in purchasing any, send an email to Imagiverse - Ask The Expert and mention my
Was it difficult
to get started in your career as an actor, director and
Getting started in Television/Film production is very
competitive, but not too hard to get started in!
Do you consider
that your primary career or is photography more
Acting/directing is what I want to do as my lifetime work.
Photography is more of a hobby.
What do you do
to "pay the rent"?
Acting and television/film production work pay the rent!
Do you feel that
you have been successful at what you do? What are
your current goals?
I am making a living and surviving in a very competitive
field. I am happy, but want to do a lot more and
would like to act in more television roles. I have
a feature film that I would like to make in the fall of
What does your
wife think of your job? Would you like your
children to follow in your footsteps?
My wife is very supportive of my career. I would
love for my children to be successful in my chosen
profession but what's really important is that they enjoy
and love doing whatever they choose as a career.
What keeps you
going and smiling when life and career are difficult?
My wife, my children and my family. (Family is
always the most important thing in life!)
What advice do
you have for kids who want a career "in Hollywood"?
If you want a career in Hollywood: study, practice and
have a great demo-reel when you get here!
What advice do
you have for all kids?
My advice for children in general is: learn as much as
you can in school, save your pennies, be the best you can
be at what you love to do in life, don't let anyone tell
you "you can't", and have fun doing whatever
you do!
you at the movies!
Biography | Photo Gallery | Q&A
- 26 August 2001