"The Room"

by Lisa Schnaidt

The room is warm with life and laughter;
Tiny loud voices and feet; toys, dogs, snacks, music.
A fresh coat of paint, lacy curtains;
Sunlight spills across the well worn carpet.
The walls echo with the sounds of young life.

The years grow on and the sounds are more orderly now.
The paint is dim and worn, the wall paper is peeling.
The curtains are clean but slightly tattered.
A quiet place for a cup of tea and a good book.
Occasionally, the walls echo with the laughter and life of passing years.

The room is full today.
The tone is somber.
Voices are muffled and sad.
Sympathy, memories, tears flow;
Haunting images from long ago.
Time stands still as promises of future visits echo in the room.

It seems a lifetime ago.
The room is now quiet and alone.
How lonely and cold she seems.
All that echoes now are the voices that were left behind.

© Lisa Schnaidt

Stories & Poems from Around the World

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