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National Emblems
National Flag
The national
flag is made up by two blue horizontal strips and
in the middle of them a white strip. Its
official size is 3.35 meters (11 feet) long and 1.89
meters (6.2 feet) wide. The strips have a
wide of 0.63 cm (0.25 inch). It was adopted
by an Order of the Legislative Power on May 17,
1912 ; the Salvadoran flag is the same of the
Centroamerican Federation ordered by the National
Assembly on August 21, 1823.
Prayer to the
te salve Patria Sagrada, en tu seno hemos nacido
y amado; eres el aire que respiramos, la tierra
que nos sustenta, la familia que amamos, la
libertad que nos defiende, la religion que nos
consuela. Tu tienes nuestro hogares
queridos, fertiles campinas, rios majestuosos,
soberbios volcanes, apacibles lagos, cielos de
purpura y oro. En tus campos ondulan
doradas espigas, en tus talleres vibran los
motores,chisporrotean los yunques,surgen las
bellezas del arte. Patria, en tu lengua
armoniosa pedimos al providencia que te ampare,
que abra nuestras almas al resplandor del cielo,
grabe en ella dulce afecto al Maestro y a la
Escuela y nos infunda tu santo amor.
Patria, tu historia, blason de heroes y martires,
resena virtudes y anhelos; tu reverencias el Acta
que consagro la soberania nacional y marcas la
senda florida en que la Justicia y la Libertad
nos llevan hacia DIOS. ¡Bandera de la
Patria, Simbolo sagrado de El Salvador, te
saludan revernetes las nuevas generaciones!
Para ti el sol vivificante de nuestras glorias,
los himnos del patriotismo, los laureles de los
heroes. Para ti el respeto de los pueblos y
la corona de amor que hoy ceninos a tus
inmortales sienes."
National Shield
It was created
by the Salvadoran calligrapher Rafael Barraza
Rodriguez, in a contest made up by the Ministry
of war and navy on 1912. Its triangle is an
old trinitarian symbol of Liberty, Equality and
Fraternity. The two open oceans are the
spirit of a village in constant solidarity with
other free nations. The five volcanoes
represent the wildness of our race, the start of
our nationality. The sky full of lightning
represents the glory, heroism and the sacrifice
for Liberty. The cap that is crown by the
loyalty that confirm our sovereign, the symbol of
the liberation from the foreign yoke. The
rainbow of peace, is the road in which Central
America must go to its destiny. The five
flags, in which is conserved the Federation
colors, is the heritage of our Proceres and the
dream of Morazán. The fourteen branches of
Laurel represents the fourteen departments of El
Salvador's Republic and are an exaltation of the
glory for the ones that breath to the road of
liberty in work and in progress. Where the
branches are joined there is a pledge that says:
DIOS, UNION, LIBERTAD (in English it means GOD,
UNION, LIBERTY). In school, children are
taught "Dios (God) be always with God, Union
(union) that everybody should be together and
never should exist a separation between people,
Libertad (liberty) that every person in the world
has the right to be free and we should fight for
that liberty." Salvadoran families
have a strong belief in a Superior Power that
governs all. Their unity and harmony for a
better future dominates the spirit of freedom of
a people who worked hard to become free from
foreign rule.
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More information:
National Anthem
National Bird