Madrid Around 1910

Postcard courtesy of Michelle Mock

Madrid, 1910

Querida madre mía,

Acabo de recibir tu deseada carta y ¡cuanto me alegro de lo que me dices de la corrida de toros!  ¿De modo que mis impresiones te gustan bastante?  Todavia no he leido la descripción de la corrida de Guatemala porque he querido contestar en seguida a tu carta.  Te escribiré otra carta pronto.  Mil besos de Mariquita

Dearest Mother,

I just received your much anticipated letter and how happy I was to read what you said about the bull fight!  So you liked my impressions?  I have not yet read the description of the bull fight in Guatemala because I wanted to answer your letter right away.  I will write you another letter soon.

A thousand kisses from Mariquita [Lady Bug]


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