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Anchorage, Alaska, USA

Dear Friends,

We had a beautiful 4th of July here.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous in all aspects.  When we have a nice sunny day in the summer in South Central Alaska, (Anchorage and surrounding areas), there is no better place to be than surrounded by purple mountain majesty in a very pleasant 75 degree F non humid climate, plus you get the benefit of a VERY long day.  (Fireworks are better saved for New Year's Eve, however).

You'll have to come taste the Eskimo ice cream - quite an unconventional non-dietary treat, and I'm sure you've never tasted good salmon until you've caught your own from one of the many streams and rivers or fished for halibut the size of a door, or hunted your own moose or caribou.  We're surrounded by all these delicacies... so what are you waiting for?

Unless you like the cold and darkness, summer is the best time to visit.  June is usually our sunniest month.  The rainy season often starts mid-July and lasts through mid September and the snow starts flying mid-October... but there are always exceptions and there's no telling when we might have a complete reversal of the ordinary with rain throughout June and sunshine during most of August (I'm still hoping for that one this year).

Your friend,



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Last Updated:
12 July 2003

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